Risc World 5
Risc World 5.iso
Text File
108 lines
What's going on here?
Rather than simply overwriting your favourite icons with mine, this
program supports multiple sets of icons, and auto-sensing to adapt
to the Theme or OS in use.
Isn't there a simpler way?
Some programs force RISC OS 3 style icons on RO4 users, or vice versa.
This is obviously counter-intuitive. Others supply RO3 and RO4 sprites
and choose which to use depending on your OS - which is fine - if you
haven't replaced the appalling RO4 icons with the superior RO3 ones, or
are using a Theme Manager to change the entire look of the desktop.
Neither approach will cope with a further change in OS style without
official updates or requiring YOU to change Obey files, etc.
But I don't use a Theme Manager!
That's OK, they are not necessary. If you are using one, the program
will try to adapt to the Theme in use. If not, it will adapt to the OS
in use, but you can override this.
Which sprites are used?
The Default scheme is ALWAYS loaded, then a Theme or OS specific file
is loaded, potentially changing some or all of the Default icons. In
the absence of a Theme Manager, icons suitable for your OS version will
be used. However, if a Theme Manager is running, it will have set a
system variable "Theme$Current", which will hold the name of the Theme
in use.
You said I could override these hateful sprites?
If you don't have a Theme Manager, you can STILL set Theme$Current to
the name of the Theme to use. If you don't want RO4 icons, you just
need to add "Set Theme$Current RO3" to an Obey file in your boot
sequence somewhere. If you have a calibrated monitor, use "RO3_Linear"
or "RO4_Linear".
Why oh why?
People change icons, fact. The supplied sprites may clash with your
curtains, or not match your carefully contrived blockbuster-tie-in
Theme. If you change the sprites in the program, then any upgrade is
going to destroy them again. If you don't copy the upgrade's sprite
file you will miss any new sprites we add and dreadful things will
happen. Having carefully adapted this program's sprites to your
cat-in-the-coal-cellar Theme you might want to share them with your
wide circle of friends, but you can't copy the program (please don't)
so how...
Where to put new sprites
Sprites are looked for in the following locations:
Firstly, this ensures that the default sprites are always loaded -
if we upgrade the program and add a sprite, you won't lose an icon
if using an older Theme - you'll just get one that doesn't match.
Secondly, we can distribute Themed sprites within the program, for
whichever Themes we like. If you want to create your own versions,
create a directory inside <Program>.Theme with a unique name, say
"MyTheme". Put replacement sprite files in there - you only have to
include the sprites you have changed, which saves disc space. Now set
Theme$Current to "MyTheme" and hey presto!
Thirdly, a Theme author can include sprites for this program within
the Theme itself - totally external from the program. Again, if this
program is updated before the Theme, things will still work fine.
Fourthly, if there is no Theme, or an unrecognised Theme for which
the program has no directory and the Theme has no Program directory,
sprites suitable for your OS version will be used. The latest version
not greater than your OS version will be used from this list: RO2,
RO201, RO3, RO310, RO350, RO360, RO370, RO4, RO420, RO5. So, if you
are running Select, and the program has no Theme.RO240 directory, but
does have a Theme.RO4 directory, the RO4 icons will be used.
I want a Theme Manager!
The good Mr Richard Goodwin can help you, go to:
Can I do the same in my program?
The IconTheme utility is copyright © Cerilica 2002. You are hereby granted
a licence to include this utility within your application if and only if:
• it is stored as !App.IconTheme
• this file is stored as !App.Theme.!ReadMe
• !App.Theme.Default contains ALL your sprites, not just !Sprites
• your default sprites are RO3 themed, preferably 16 colours no palette
• if you supply 256 colour sprites, eg RO4, you supply linear versions in
RO4_Linear by running them through ChangeFSI with a 0.454 gamma correction
Title: Theme.!ReadMe
Version: 1.01 (29-Aug-2002)
Author: Simon Birtwistle
Contact: <mailto:simon@cerilica.com>